
Jon Butts is here.

Where is here exactly? Only he really knows.

As for where he’s been? Jon Butts is from filming home movies. He knows toy karaoke machines and talent shows, and his love of music and performance started young.

In 1990, Jon was born just outside of Chicago by way of Villa Park, IL. Relocating to the Atlanta, GA area in the fall of ‘99 would only fortify his passions. During those adolescent years, his adoration for live performance grew exponentially. From middle school onward, Jon found himself on stage.

In 2014, Jon relocated to New York City. The culmination of his years led him to the most challenging city in the country. Music, Theatre Performance, Photography, & Writing all converged in that creative petri dish. Now? He’s just sort of a Poor Man’s Donald Glover.

He continues to create because that’s all he can do.

Jon currently resides in St. Louis, MO with his wife and daughter.



Not Past It: Oklahoma Is Not O.K.

Jon appeared on an episode of the Spotify x Gimlet podcast Not Past It. He performed some voice over work as historical figure James Coody Johnson.


Sipping Sovereign Tea: Creative Share Out!

Jon appeared on an Episode of Britt Dorazio’s podcast Sipping Sovereign Tea.

Britt Dorazio’s podcast Sipping Sovereign Tea is her in conversation and practice with change-makers, disruptors, artists, healers, visionaries, and weavers on what it means to be sovereign. How do we feel rooted in our own voices in a sea of misguided messaging and overwhelm? How do we find our way back home to ourselves, the land, and each other?

In this episode, Jon shares an exclusive RVRLND track.


It’s All in the Mindset Podcast: #014 Jon Butts is Here!

Jon appeared on an Episode of Lee Robson Spence’s podcast It’s All in the Mindset.

They talk about acting, music, Colonial Williamsburg, the process of creating and why we do it, New York, RVRLND, Other Colors, skateboarding, marriage, and how all of these things are connected. IT’S ALL IN THE MINDSET Pod episode 14... Tune in! Laugh with us! It’s a great one.